As hydrocolloids experts, CyberColloids routinely work with agar, carrageenan and alginate that are derived from seaweed, but we also have a track history in developing novel processing methodologies, and novel or value-added uses for seaweeds.
Value chains and markets
The expertise within the CyberColloids team spans the entire seaweed value chain. We work with harvesters, farmers, processors and end users at a global scale. We have a particular interest in utilising different seaweeds and downstream materials from seaweed processing to creative value across the seaweed supply chain.
Whilst our primary focus is on food and health, our expertise in developing different extracts, films, coatings and gels from seaweed materials can also be applied in other sectors including horticulture, petfood, packaging and the field of biosciences.
Seaweed derived hydrocolloids
Agar, alginate and carrageenan are used extensively in the food industry as gelling, viscosifying and stabilising agents. We routinely work with these hydrocolloids – from sourcing and evaluation of raw materials, rationalising supply chains & ingredient portfolios to end use application.
Collaborative research
This is one area in which CyberColloids has been particularly active as a participant in collaborative research projects, we are a recognised research provider at an EU level.
Many projects have centred around innovative uses for seaweed in the food and health sectors but always with a strong focus on developing new extraction or processing methodology including integrated biorefinery style processing.
For more information on seaweed biorefinery click here
Click here to find out more about our seaweed research