
Library of Information

Our website library contains a wealth of useful information on all aspects of the hydrocolloid world including technical information, recipes and legal specifications. It provides an insight into the world of CyberColloids and the materials that we work with. You can use the drop down search tool below or the general search box at the bottom of the page to browse and download information on the different hydrocolloids including sources & production, basic chemistry (structures, properties & interactions with other polymers), production & uses. In addition, you can find useful information on general topics such as basic rheology, sugar chemistry and emulsions.

Our library also contains articles and downloads from our various research projects that have focussed on finding innovative and/or value added uses for a range of different biomass resources including different seaweeds, fruits, vegetables and other plant derived materials. If you would like to know more about any of the information in the library then please contact us.

Information Type

Market Segment


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