
Cybercolloids Team Publications

Baldrick et al (2018). Impact of a (poly)phenol-rich extract from the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum on DNA damage and antioxidant activity in an overweight or obese population: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,108:688–700.

Bannon et al (2021) Low‐Molecular‐Weight Seaweed‐Derived Polysaccharides Lead to Increased Faecal Bulk but Do Not Alter Human Gut Health Markers. Foods. 10, 2988.

Brooks & Savage (1997). The substrate specificity of the enzyme endo-α-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminidase from Diplococcus pneumonia.  Glycoconjugate Journal, 14: 183-190.

Brooks et al (1992). The stereochemical course of reactions catalysed by cellobiohydrolases produced by Talaromyces emersonii. Biochem. J., 283: 31-34. 

Brooks et al (2000). Designing galactomannans for the food industry. In Williams, P.A. & Phillips, G.O. (Eds). Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 10. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK. .Pp. 470.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Brooks et al (2008) Novel Galactomannans and Galacto-Manno-Oligosaccharides from Guar. In McCleary, B.V. & Prosky, L. (Eds). Advanced Dietary Fibre Technology. Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, UK.

Campbell & Hotchkiss (2017). Carrageenan Industry Market Overview. In: Hurtado et al (eds.) Tropical Seaweed Farming Trends, Problems and Opportunities, Developments in Applied Phycology 9. Springer International Publishing.

Corona et al (2016). Gastrointestinal modifications and bioavailability of brown seaweed phlorotannins and effects on inflammatory markers. British Journal of Nutrition, 115(7):1240-53.

Corona et al (2017). Effect of simulated gastrointestinal digestion and fermentation on polyphenolic content and bioactivity of brown seaweed phlorotannin-rich extracts.  Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 61, 11, 2017.

Defreitas et al (1997). Processed Seaweed: more for less. Meat International 7(3): 30-33.

Doyle et al (2001). Effect of K+ and Ca2+ cations on the gelation of k-carrageenan. In Williams, P.A. & Phillips, G.O. (Eds). Volume 11 of Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK. 

Doyle et al (2006). Effect of sugars, galactose content and chain length on freeze–thaw gelation of galactomannans. Carbohydrate Polymers. 64: 391–401.

Gray & Philp (1991). Morpholine induced gel formation with propylene glycol alginate solutions. Carbohydrate Polymers, 15: 283-297.

Gray & Philp (1994). Hydrodynamic and other properties of poly(morpholino) alginamide (PMA). Carbohydrate Polymers, 25: 39-44.

Harrington & Morris (2009). An unusual manifestation of phase separation in mixtures of disordered gelatin with konjac glucomannan. Food Hydrocolloids, 23: 460-467.

Harrington & Morris (2009). Conformational ordering and gelation of gelatin in mixtures with soluble polysaccharides. Food Hydrocolloids, 23: 327-336.

Harrington et al (2009). Segregative interactions and competitive binding of Ca2+ in gelling mixtures of whey protein isolate with Na+ Κ-carrageenan. Food Hydrocolloids, 23: 468-489.

Hotchkiss (2010). Investigation of the Flavouring and Taste Components of Irish Seaweeds Industry-Led Award, Final Report. Marine Research Sub-Programme (NDP 2007-’13) Series. Marine Institute, Ireland 2010.

Hotchkiss (2012). Edible seaweeds: A rich source of flavour components for sodium replacement. AgroFOOD industry hi-tech – November/December 2012. Vol 23 n 6. 

Hotchkiss (2015). Food texture and nutrition: the changing roles of hydrocolloids and food fibres. Wellness Foods & Supplements. No. 1. April/May 2015. Page 36-39.

Hotchkiss (2020). Scoping a Seaweed Biorefinery for Ireland. Report for Bord Iascaigh Mhara. May 2020. 

Hotchkiss & Campbell (2015). An Irish SME has Made its Name as a Global Centre of Excellence for Hydrocolloids Research and Innovation. Showcase Ireland. Food Marketing & Technology. June 2015. Pages 33-34. 

Hotchkiss & Trius (2007). The most nutritious form of vegetation on the planet? Food Ingredients, Health & Nutrition. January – February 2007. Pages 22-23. 

Hotchkiss & Trius (2016), Functional Food Fibres and their use in healthier fat reduced formulations. Monographic special issue: Food: Free from. Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech – vol. 27(3) – May/June 2016. 

Hotchkiss & Trius (2016). Food Fibers: Creating Healthy Texture Systems. Hydrocolloid Innovation. The World of Food Ingredients. March 2016. 

Hotchkiss et al (2016). Carrageenan: sources and extraction methods. In: Pereira, L. (ed). Carrageenans: Sources, extraction methods, molecular structure, bioactive properties and health effects. First Ed. pp 1-293. Nova Science Publications Inc. 

Hotchkiss et al. (2016). The Use of Carrageenan in Food. In: Pereira, L. (ed). Carrageenans: Sources, extraction methods, molecular structure, bioactive properties and health effects. First Ed. pp 1-293. Nova Science Publications Inc. 

Hotchkiss, S. & Murphy, C. (2014) Marine Macroalgae and Human Health. In: Biodiversity, Taxonomy, Environmental Assessment, and Biotechnology, edited by Pereira, L. & Neto, J-M. CRC Press 2014. Pages 320–356.

Ibbett et al (1992). 13C NMR studies of the thermal behaviour of aqueous solutions of cellulose ethers. Polymer, 33(19): 4087-4094.

Kennedy et al (1989). Characteristics and distribution of ester groups in propylene glycol alginate esters. Carbohydrate Polymers, 11: 1-22.

MacArtain et al (2007). Nutritional Value of Edible Seaweeds. Nutr. Rev., 2007, 65, 535. 

Murphy et al (2014). The potential of seaweed as a source of drugs for use in cancer chemotherapy. Journal of Applied Phycology. 26: 2211-2264. 

O’Brien et al (2008). Gelation of high-methoxy pectin by enzymic de-esterification in the presence of calcium ions: a preliminary evaluation. Carbohydrate Research, 344 (14): 1818-1823.

Philp (1993). Thermogelation in cellulose ethers. In: Kennedy, J.F., Phillips, G.O. & Williams, P.A. (eds). Cellulosics: chemical, biochemical and material aspects.  Cellulcon conference: Cellucon 91 proceedings.

Philp (2018). Polysaccharide Ingredients. Reference Module in Food Science, Elsevier 

Philp & Barker (1988). Recent Biosensor patents review. International Industrial Biotechnology, 8 (2): 32.

Philp & Campbell (2006) Hydrocolloids from Seaweed Resource In: World Seaweed Resources [DVD]. Edited by Alan T. Critchley, Masao Ohno and Danilo B Largo.

Philp et al (1998). Tiger striping in injected poultry, its causes and cures. In Williams, P.A. & Phillips, G.O. (Eds). Volume 9 of Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK. 

Ramnani et al (2012). “In vitro fermentation and prebiotic potential of novel low molecular weight polysaccharides derived from agar and alginate seaweeds”, Anaerobe, Feb;18(1):1-6.

Shannon et al (2021). SeaHealth The benefits of seaweed for our gut. TResearch. Volume 16. Number 3. Autumn/Winter 2021.

Shannon et al (2023). Screening seaweeds for positive health benefits. TResearch. Volume 18: Number 1: Spring 2023.

Trius & Philp (1997). Processed Seaweed: more for less. Meat International, 7 (3): 30-33. 

Trius & Sebranek (1996). Carrageenans in meat products. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 36(1& 2): 69-85.

Trius et al (1994). Effects of meat pH and sodium tripolyphosphate on the performance of carrageenans in beaker sausage. Journal of Food Science, 59(5): 946-951.

Trius et al (1994). Evaluation of low-fat beaker sausage and bologna containing different carrageenans and chloride salts. Journal of Food Science 59(5): 941-945.

Trius et al (1995). Ionic strength and chloride salt effects on the performance of carrageenans in a model system sausage.  Journal of Muscle Foods, 6: 227-242.